Everyone’s Still Wild About Wilbur

Words by

IF YOU’RE OVER 40 you’ll have fond memories of Hey Hey It’s Saturday, so the name Wilbur Wilde brings a smile to your face.

Wilbur is a proud Melbournian who’s still passionate about music and helping others, whether gigging around Melbourne, teaching or conducting events as a Master Of Ceremonies. He still has a larger-than-life personality, plus he’s a really “kewl” guy to boot.

My Dad had a meeting in the city and he and a friend saw Wilbur. One thing led to the other and the three of them ended up at a table chatting – from music to sport and everything in between. Dad mentioned to Wilbur that his daughter is a journalist and he was sure I would love to interview him. (Thanks Dad!)

So please enjoy my chat with Mr. Wilbur Wilde!

G’day Wilbur! It’s such an honour to have a chat with you after my Dad’s chance meeting with you. He said (repeatedly) “Willie’s a nice, down-to-earth guy!” and chatting with you myself confirmed that. So thank you! (and thank you for making my Dad’s week)

My pleasure Jacqui, it’s always rewarding to speak with someone interested and passionate about the business of show.

You’re still a popular household name from TV gold which was of course Hey Hey It’s Saturday! That show was such a launching pad for so many artists, including aiding your career. Your passion for assisting upcoming artists is still one of your biggest goals in life. It must be rewarding to continue supporting upcomers.

I’m not entirely sure what sort of educator I am, but working with younger musicians and or performers is good for the soul. I have three sons who are musical and creative so watching them seeking information, inspiration and guidance in their chosen fields is heartwarming and instructive for me also. I like to think that I learn from them, yeah.

There is much talent out there and to help cats work at it is part of the deal. I had many instructors, advisers and knowledgeable teachers on my journey, still do. 

I know this is impossible to answer, but which artists have been the most memorable to work with over the years?

Not such a tough question really, I have had the honour to serve alongside some of the great frontmen/TV and radio hosts in the country. Those that have taken me under their wing and, with whom I have forged showbiz partnerships and long-term musical associations include Joe Camilleri, Daryl Somers, Frankie J Holden, John Blackman, Ernie Carroll, Tim Ferguson, Red Symons and some lesser-known but nonetheless talented and generous artists, actors, presenters, singers and players.

I have 300 heroes, all of them continue to inspire and motivate me in one way or another.   

Your band Wilbur Wilde and The Troublemakers have constantly toured and still are touring. When you guys get together, do your creative juices flow?

The Troublemakers are all dear musical friends of many years so, when we gather, there is a collective experience/consciousness, if you will, contributing to each event’s specialness. Every gig I play is important to me whether it’s Rock, Jazz, Acoustic, Unplugged, Acapella and/or whatever the job description. To have surrounded myself over those years with masters (and mistresses) of the genre/s is so precious. I’m lucky.

As part of The Absolutely 80’s line-up with the likes of Scott Carne and Dale Ryder, one would imagine those gigs might get a bit loose (wink, wink) or do you all drink herbal teas after gigs?

{Wilbur’s clumsy attempt at “Franch”}:

The apres-gig joie de vivre is de rigeur. 

Which {Wilbur says} loosely translates to:

‘The sense of fulfillment/joy one experiences after a good gig is to be enjoyed enthusiastically’.

Most performers have a ‘zone’ in which everything feels right. It can be the music, the audience, the songs, the laughs and the ‘vibe’. When it all comes together at a gig, it’s the best feeling. We always reach for that and on the occasions, it happens, look out, it’s party time.

That said, herbal tea is perfectly acceptable as a refreshing, wind-down beverage.

On your website, I noticed people can book you and The Troublemakers for events. What kind of events does the band perform at and how can people book you?

wilburwilde.com is a good source of information as to where The ‘Trubbs’ are next performing.

There is a provision to contact my management via an email link.

It seems to work okay, we still want more gigs so tell your friends, please.

Also, such is the nature of my career, I do other stuff as well such as Absolutely 80s, Wilbur Wilde Blowout, (great Jazz) Frankie J Holden and Wilbur Wilde. Those gigs are listed as well.

Recently I MC’ed a funeral and will be available in the not too distant to do more of those. It was a lovely, thoughtful experience for me. 

Thank you so very much for your time, Wilbur. When Dad told me how you like to chat and how you’re still extremely passionate about music, I was really keen to interview you. So thank you once again, Wilbur.

Gnarwurries Jacqui, pleased to have collaborated with you.

Stay cool and into stuff, Willy Wilde xx.
